My top 5 favourite BB minis of all time
Here are my favourite Blood Bowl minis down through the years What are your favourite BB minis?
These minis may not be to everybodys taste, but I have found these minis to be enoumous fun to paint and just ooze character.
I just love the pure cartoon theme to this mini. BB to me is a game of comical violence. I was never that fond of "realistic" players in BB, like the newer stuff out is taking (Re: New Zug and Griff models) which just look like Empire WFB style to me, but BB is a totally separate universe which is anything but serious!
Another one of the comic style, but this guy just looks like he cannot wait to cave someones head in, and the bigger the better!
This mini I have chosen because I think it is sculpted extremely well. The 2nd ed range of Skaven are far superior in my mind to the current edition of Skaven. These guys also cost a pretty penny to buy on ebay, but are a team I would love to paint in the future!
A goblin on a Football field, wearing a pirate hat, and lobbing bombs (albeit very poorly!) at the opposition. How cool is that?
Yes, what sums up a brutal game of BB where the mortality rate rockets, with Chainsaws, Bombs, Lawn Rollers of death, Zombies and Knives any better than a runt with a saucepan as a helmet, complete with a spoon as his cherished medallion of past glories on the pitch! Just before he gets his leg eaten by a Troll.
No mention of the totally badass Skaven Stormvermin.
Yeah, the problem with a list like this is that it is always difficult to fit in everything you like!
I like quite a lot, I also detest quite a lot of the minis too (The 3rd Ed Wood Elves, the 3rd Ed Humans are crap in my eyes) but I like these minis. Which Skaven SV are we talking. the 2nd Ed or 3rd Ed? Those 2nd Ed Skaven were amazing but would be pretty fanboyish to have 5 of them in my top 5 dont you think! :D
Give me a list of what you like yourself!
Sorry Rob - your list is full of fail.
(or as much fail as an opinion can have I suppose)
Number 5 - Puggy Baconbreath
* The little guy manages to be a menacing halfling. Everyone should have one.
Number 4 - 2nd ed Ogre 2 (spiky fist).
* He's not too big like the newer multi part Ogres. He looks manacing. Oozes characetr.
Number 3 - 2nd Ed. Dwarf Blocker 3.
* Looks sturdy and solid. One of the minis that got me playing BB in the first place.
Number 2 - 2nd. Ed. Elf Blitzer with mohawk
* Dynamic, attractive sculpt that fits the "violent grace" concept perfectly.
Number 1 - 2nd ed Skaven Thrower 2
* You were so close...the guy holding the ball ehind him is better though.
Honourable mentions:
"Split Tendoncutter" (2nd ed Skaven Blitzer 2)
For that matter, the entire Elf and Dwarf 2nd ed ranges.
Wormhowl Greyscar.
Multipart Ogres (Gorgeous, but too big).
Not even close:
The Amazon team. They're just rubbish Mordheim weapon snips.
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